By MsConfusedd - 01/09/2012 04:30 - United States - Hazlet

Today, I learned that my 76 year-old great aunt likes to swim naked, even when I have friends over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 745
You deserved it 2 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the definition of "confidence" right there! Well, it's either that or "not giving a flying ****". I get the two confused sometimes.


At 76, she's earned the right to do whatever she wants! When you get older, with each passing year, you start to give a damn what other people think less & less!! Would I do that? No but I'm not 76 yet either! Maybe in 20 years, I will! Who knows? Who gives a crap?

blahblah0392 7

Is there a ghost on top of your car?...(Which I'm assuming is yours)

dstluke 7

ok. Next time I'll put on a bikini. Sheesh. Prude.

Don't worry. When you get old, you can get away with stuff like that, too!