By Anonymous - 19/07/2017 07:00 - United States - Coplay

Today, my school brought in therapy dogs to help with stress. I was attacked by one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 683
You deserved it 506

Same thing different taste

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Certified therapy dogs or owners that put a jacket on their dog that they bought on amazon?

Lobby_Bee 17

Well, they say dogs can feel what you are feeling. He was trying to put you down to ease the stress pain. "Shhhh human, everything will be alright"


That's plain odd and unfortunate. I wonder what gave the doggo the idea to bite you?

Certified therapy dogs or owners that put a jacket on their dog that they bought on amazon?

Lobby_Bee 17

Well, they say dogs can feel what you are feeling. He was trying to put you down to ease the stress pain. "Shhhh human, everything will be alright"

dope_mcfly 24

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LeoCor 19

Maybe you're the cause of stress cause you're so cool?

So the dog was actually giving you stress instead of relieving it?

The dog sensed you didn’t have enough stress, so giving you a case of cynophobia makes you more normal.

ironsidewolf 5

Are you sure they're not the "send you to therapy" dogs?

arioch_fml 20

Mission accomplished! The dogs helped stress people out.