By Anonymous - 04/10/2010 11:22 - Australia

Today, I missed my history exam because they'd changed the day. Apparently they sent out an email to let everyone know. Too bad I'd banned myself from the internet in order to study for the exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 728
You deserved it 9 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That takes some serious effort to go completely cold-turkey on the Internet. You should try breaking for 15 minutes for every hour studied. That way you can relax, and you can figure out where your test is at.

perdix 29

Ironically, history is replete with examples of people getting crushed trying to stand in the way of progress. You would have probably failed the test had you been informed of the new time. Were you expecting to be kept aware of what's going on by, say, ... carrier pigeon?


It means that the OP was trying to enhance his/her study time by not browsing the internet (win), but his/her attempt was actually detrimental because he/she didn't get the e-mail (losing). What have we learned? OP can't win for losing. 'Tis simple.

sYmhaHa 0

Or loses when trying to win.. Hopefully it twas moved to a later date then earlier..

sYmhaHa 0

Missed that part when I first read post. Too lazy to correct.. Sorry, you feel better now?

zerobahamut03 2

ydi for not being to manage your time/priorities and because of addiction to facebook/wow/****/fml.

jgardner12 0

Damn that sucks op. I hope after you explain you can get a makeup.

That takes some serious effort to go completely cold-turkey on the Internet. You should try breaking for 15 minutes for every hour studied. That way you can relax, and you can figure out where your test is at.

Oh wow, it's really unprofessional of them to announce that in such short notice. (Assuming you didn't ban yourself from the internet 3 weeks in advance) It's odd though, that you didn't speak to your friends/class mates before the exam, they would have let you known.

_Vamp_ 9

I agree with chaos. Most universities tell you to constantly check email. Unforeseen circumstances can arise at any time, and tests can be cancelled or changed on very short notice. If OP knew that there was even a small chance that something could happen, they deserve it for not checking.

Universities lately have become overly dependent on e-mail. Back before internet professors could still alter time-tables and inform students of changes. But because e-mail is "instant" they now assume that it's okay to wait until the last second. Sometimes people can't get to a computer, maybe theirs is broken, maybe they're out of town for a couple days. Moving the test date forward and notifying the students only by e-mail is quite unprofessional, but sadly commonplace.

YDI for being an interweb addict (and making a hypocrite out of me for saying that), for being a student, for waiting until the last minute to study, and for throwing eggs at senior citizens.

In all fairness, perhaps the senior citizens were trying to steal OP's lunch money? (:

The elderly need exercise, also. Dance, granny, dance! (:

Notice I said "throwing eggs at senior citizens". If OP's aim was decent, and he/she actually hit any of them, I would have let this one go.

OP didn't confess to doing either one. I just know.

Only if you were near the Senior citizens.

I guess you could say that the yolk's on you. I'm sorry, was that ova the line?

banning yourself from the internet is understandable, but you should never stop checking the means by which your school communicates with you. you could miss any number of important notifications.

spartan_girl 0

agreed- I tried to ban myself from blogs, facebook, etc. when I was studying for big exams, but I always checked my email and the website some of my classes used to share important information. Someone above also mentioned taking breaks (I took one every 2 hours), and you don't have to take your breaks online, but you can use those breaks to check your email too!