By R2A8 - 01/03/2019 04:00 - Kenya

Today, after I got lectured about not replying on the family group chat, I decided to wish everyone a good morning. No one responded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 076
You deserved it 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Your family sounds really immature.

They probably thought you were a spambot or a troll.


They probably thought you were a spambot or a troll.

Nico711 17

All y’all are hypocrites

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Your family sounds really immature.

slkeithh 14

why are family group chats even a thing

there's a difference between ignoring family chat when a reply is expected, i.e "Are you coming over for dinner tonight?" vs "Good morning". Besides, they're just giving you a taste of your own medicine!

If someone wants a response from me they'll have to talk to me and not just dump it into some group chat. Who always reads everything in a group chat?

julfunky 29

I do. Because it could be directed at me. And I have two seconds to spare.

Maybe they meant replying to deeper conversations? Sure you say your good mornings, but I doubt your family would bother with group chat if that's all they did.

Family group chat that your expected to always read and reply to? That sounds pretty controlling and kinda creepy.