By Swatted - 17/02/2015 06:39 - United States - Sparks

Today, a model I've been working on for an art competition was declined. They thought I was being insensitive and "rudely glorifying 9/11". My model was about the ending scene of King Kong. I spent twenty hours on that model. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 323
You deserved it 2 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have given your model a title to clear up any misunderstanding

mentallizzard 19

so the judges think one building with a gorilla on it represents the twin towers . . . I guess I need to touch up on my history then.


Maybe you should have given your model a title to clear up any misunderstanding

But the Empire State Building has a distinct appearance. It's hard to confuse that with the Twin Towers.

Do these people know the difference between Empire State and World Trade Center?

Exactly what I was thinking. What does King Kong have to do with 9/11

I'm guessing that it was a building with planes around it was all they looked at. OP, if you can't explain their stupidity to them, go to the local press. This the sort of zero-tolerance garbage that news stations love. If they won't accept your entry, shame them for their brainlessness.

That, or OP's model is very indiscernible.

IndianaJoe0321 19

Maybe the OP based the model on the '76 remake which had Kong on the Twin Towers? Although I don't agree, the judges may have seen that and got offended.

clearly they don't. they're Americans, and Americans are dumb.

That's horrible! What style was it completed in? If it was something were interpretation is really needed I can understand how they came to that conclusion. Maybe you could use the model for another competition or put it in your portfolio for future reference?

cooltatgar 31

They thought that with king kong on the building? fyl indeed try selling the model

I'll pay OP in hugs and nudes. We could combine the two if they're as good looking as the model. No ****.

Surely you could explain and re-enter it? Good luck!

ajs1987 15

I'm pretty sure that isn't how al-qaeda attacked the world trade center.

It would be interesting seeing someone use that as warfare though. Air dropping giant, woman stealing apes? Seems legit.

Haven't you ever heard of Gorilla Warfare? It's all the rage in Africa and South America apparently.

Well shit, if THAT'S what they've turned it into I can see why.

1dvs_bstd 41

I think a lil background information before hand would have saved you the trouble.

I imagine that would be a fantastic model. Try another art competition, OP!

mentallizzard 19

so the judges think one building with a gorilla on it represents the twin towers . . . I guess I need to touch up on my history then.

Explain yourself OP. I'm sure once you show them the right meaning they will re-grade it.