By INeedMoney - 28/01/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, I just finished my first week of unemployment. I don't have any money. I also just finished the last toilet paper roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 699
You deserved it 5 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26
pm_sky 0

fast food restaurants to restock


playa_42 3

you've been unemployed for a week... and you're already broke... you need to learn what a savings account is.

perdix 29

You still have the tube, right? First, you should train to have Flawless Victories and when you don't, use the tube until your unemployment checks arrive.

Then borrow some! Family & friends. A SMS amount to get you through.

Go to the nearest resturant and take some

Man some you are so stupid it surprises me that you are able to function in society. First OP sorry about the job loss. I know it's rough out there but hey mow some lawns if you have to. Secondly, for the ones who want to know why he doesn't have a savings account not everyone has the ability to save money. Some people live pay check to pay check. And like some have said just because this is his first week of being broke doesn't mean that all of his utilities (such as internet) will be shut off that quickly. For all you know he payed all his bills and that is why he is broke . If he is using his cell phone to post this, that is a mandatory payment or else you may get charged an excessive fee for shutting off your service before your contract is up. That definitely isn't going to help a money problem. Good luck OP, hope things work out for you!

Mr25_fml 14

steal some. do whatever you have to, but get some TP dammit!

Go to a hotel, and say your room is out of toilet paper, you'll get a free roll.

If the OP had enough money for a hotel room, I'm pretty sure they could afford to buy some toilet paper.

He doesn't mean buy a room. Just walk into a hotel and ask the front desk for toilet paper. I doubt that would work though

sparklecherry 4