By INeedMoney - 28/01/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, I just finished my first week of unemployment. I don't have any money. I also just finished the last toilet paper roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 699
You deserved it 5 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26
pm_sky 0

fast food restaurants to restock


browneyed 7

:/ oh dear , steal some from a public toilet?

ddodd 0

Sucks to suck .... Stay in school kids ;)

HunterAlpha1 8

easy solution: head down to the walmart bathroom and clean out the toilet paper dispenser.

Icequeen102990 1

Go into multiple public bathrooms, take some toliet paper, a few pocketfulls at a up

JonDubb 2

Yet you can afford a device good enough to have the FML app.

If your that poor , why can you afford a cumputer And shit ? ?