By INeedMoney - 28/01/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, I just finished my first week of unemployment. I don't have any money. I also just finished the last toilet paper roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 699
You deserved it 5 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26
pm_sky 0

fast food restaurants to restock


I think it's time to resort to the old shit n shower. And for all of those that don't know that doesn't involve ******** in the shower

try going 2 months while looking for a job and no assistance xD costco for the win :3 toilet paper from there last forever cuz you can make a fort with the amount you get for the price bahahahah

If you have no money to buy food, you can't shit. Settled.

Colbertrox811 5

Maybe he is using his neighbour's wifi, or a public computer?

Xomgbb 4

and you can still find the means to post self sorrow filled messages using a phone or computer.

ssnowywinter 0

It's not like the second he loses his job his computer/phone and his Internet.

ssnowywinter 0

automatically disappears* early post, oops.

I think we have all had tough times at some point in our lives. Hope things get better for you soon.

perdix 29

That's so nice and caring and supportive. Are you feeling well?

USMC_Cpl 5

Just do what the Arabs do and use your left hand.

Darwin03 1

Yeah, ok. First you need to prioritize. Then you need to do the shit and shower. Then you need to go to the unemployment office, unless your one of the lowlifes that actually just quit his job and claims to have gotten fired. In which case just lay down on some railroad tracks.