By INeedMoney - 28/01/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, I just finished my first week of unemployment. I don't have any money. I also just finished the last toilet paper roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 699
You deserved it 5 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26
pm_sky 0

fast food restaurants to restock


that's when you bring a big purse to mcdonalds.........

never mind stealing from's time to get back up and stop feeling sorry for yourself be proud and get a job!

thepirate19 3

Get a job I don't feel like paying for your stuff

and the 1% have enough money that they could use a few bucks to wipe their asses with :-p

Maybe you should sell the piece of technology you had to use to post this and buy some more. And hit up a McDonalds or something! There's jobs. Just don't be picky and keep your head up, and work hard!

mama2b3 20

Watch Step Brothers, you'll know what to do.

alinka_fml 0

you can always wash your ass, you know

cb1209 2

Well if u have no money for TP then u have no money for food. So no food equals no poop. Problem solved. Your welcome