By HttpsHaileyy - 15/06/2015 20:02 - United States

Today, I insulted my younger sister's hamster. She then smashed me with a stool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 790
You deserved it 9 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not a very polite hamster she's got there

why would you insult a hamster? still not a good reason to hit you though


MdMan2 23

Hey, if the hamster's fat, then the hamster's fat. She needs to deal with it.

How do you know what OP said about the hamster?

MattStro 23

Stool softener. Problem solved. You're free to insult the hammie all you want. You're welcome.

saffy66 34

You'd want to be hit with someone's soft stool instead?

That was a smashing experience I'm sorry I hope your okay

nattlecakes 19

I read this the other way around... I thought you insulted your sister and then she smashed your hamster with a stool. Glad it wasn't that way though.

Are you guys related to the flintstones?

Stool like seat or stool like poop?