Evil always wins

By Anonymous - 21/03/2021 20:01

Today, I was in the Walmart parking lot listening to some music in my car and some lady comes up to me and say, “Boy, the music you listen to is so unholy, I think you need some Jesus in your life.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 874
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iknoweverything 2

I assume it was metal. 🤘🏻 right on

Next time tell her your a clone from the church of Satan like Taylor Swift. Was she the walmart repent lady?


iknoweverything 2

I assume it was metal. 🤘🏻 right on

That depends.... what were you listening to?

Next time tell her your a clone from the church of Satan like Taylor Swift. Was she the walmart repent lady?

dougierocks 13

Maybe you do. I was in Walmart parking lot a month ago and two women with their 6ish year old kids had WAP playing loud enough that you could hear it in the next aisle

Someone can't **** with the wet-ass pussy...

dougierocks is Ben Shapiro's alt account

Why do you care what a random zealot in a WALLMART parking lot of all places thinks of your choice of music.