Puppy love

By Anonymous - 12/12/2023 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my mom is pissed and grounded me when I didn’t show girlish, squealing enthusiasm when she went out and came home with a dog; a big dog. I hate dogs, there is no creature I despise more than dogs. I prefer spiders to dogs, and she knows this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 580
You deserved it 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grounding your child because she doesn't like something you do is ******* insane you Karen

What kind of person hates dogs? They're literally man's best friend... you sound heartless. And you better not do anything to mistreat that dog or you'll have be to deal with.


helllojessie 14

may i ask why you despise dogs?

Grounding your child because she doesn't like something you do is ******* insane you Karen

What kind of person hates dogs? They're literally man's best friend... you sound heartless. And you better not do anything to mistreat that dog or you'll have be to deal with.