Can we be friends?

By lonely - 22/03/2021 05:01

Today, my fiancé told me that I need to get out of house and be with my friends. I have no friends here, and my own family doesn’t ever want to go do anything either. I guess I’m not a likable person if even my fiancé is trying to get me out of his hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 840
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you been in the same house for a year? Don't take it personally my wife and I have been in the same house for a year. I go to the store or something to give us both a break.

It’s the pandemic! Everyone is spending a lot more time at home with the people they live with and inevitably getting on each other’s nerves. It does not mean you don’t love each other or you are a bad person. These are difficult times for everyone.


Have you been in the same house for a year? Don't take it personally my wife and I have been in the same house for a year. I go to the store or something to give us both a break.

You heard the guy. Go back to where your friends are and meet them. Have a zillion Zoom meetings with them until you can board the plane. The two weeks in quarantine at the hotel afterwards will be fun too!

GingerNut 3

It’s the pandemic! Everyone is spending a lot more time at home with the people they live with and inevitably getting on each other’s nerves. It does not mean you don’t love each other or you are a bad person. These are difficult times for everyone.

Reggie89 2

Don't take it the wrong way, he's just trying to show you that he trusts you. I hope.