By noworkformeplease - 09/03/2017 16:00

Today, I had to call out of work because I was ill, but they didn't believe me because today was the day I was supposed to come back from vacation. Now I'm stuck at work, constantly running to the bathroom, and they still won't let me go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 261
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would throw up at my desk and let the office stink of my vomit. I hope you feel better soon OP.

Aurora_BoreaIis 7


Aurora_BoreaIis 7

I would throw up at my desk and let the office stink of my vomit. I hope you feel better soon OP.

Looks like urine trouble. Whoops, that's not quite it. These cliché puns aren't as easy as I thought they'd be!

You're doing a fine job, Tripartita!

jcash52426 5

You should crap yourself so they let you go home

Touch everything. They deserve to catch it.

How can they decide? Get a doctors note and leave!

runswithlions 3

I'd leave anyway and grab a doctor's note for sure. With proof of the urgency of your situation from a doctor covers your butt from being fired while giving you time to get yourself back to good health. Health comes first!

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time!! Hey at least you're getting paid but feel better soon

Take pictures of your bowel movements for them.