By Helpless - 16/12/2018 14:00

Today I had to tell my girlfriend that we can't keep taking care of her drug addicted dad because it is ruining out lives. We have a 90 day notice to move and I said I won't move to a new place if she is going to have him live there. Guess who is looking for a new roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 913
You deserved it 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree with you, but it’s her dad. It’s hard to give up on someone that close to you.

weaboo 12

If the dad has a drug addiction get him into rehab he’ll thank you later


weaboo 12

If the dad has a drug addiction get him into rehab he’ll thank you later

ThatGuy9679 13

He has to willingly go to rehab and something tells me he's not interested

TxKitten79 10

That only works if he wants to go.

ItsOverTheRambo 3

I wish I can put many likes on this comment.

weaboo 12

Can’t you call some hotline to help if you know someone who is suffering from addiction? Either way it’s illegal and if the dad is refusing help you gotta force him even if it means getting police involved

EmDizzle2007 28

I agree with you, but it’s her dad. It’s hard to give up on someone that close to you.

julfunky 29

I’m really sorry this happened but I personally couldn’t see this going any other way. If my father was addicted to drugs and my boyfriend gave me such an ultimatum I would’ve done the exact same thing.

Really? If you were serious enough to live with your boyfriend, you would keep enabling a drug addicted parent to the point of making all fo your homeless and that still wouldn't be enough to force dad to deal with his demons? Enabling to that extent is going to killt he old man faster, not slower. As long as daughter keeps trying to hold his life together for him he has no need to get clean.

hell naw. giving up on my own personal life to take care of my grown ass parent for the choices he made? I'd have kicked him out long ago.

I’m sorry this is happening to you. By helping her father, your girlfriend is just enabling him to live this lifestyle. My sisters an addict and she only went into recovery once the ones close to her cut her off. It’s hard but the only way to help one!

You can’t control your gf’s choices. It sucks, but it’d be best for you to move on.

Stick to your guns, OP. Hopefully she’ll realize you’re right and just trying to take care of yourself and her. I hope her dad gets the help he needs from professionals.

Sofia94_fml 15

You're frustruation is completely justified. However if your family is not there to help you in a really bad part of your life who else will? So you have to understand her point of view, it's her father and atleast you know she's the type to be there for her loved ones when in need.

uh. No she's not helping him. she's enabling him.

I see where you are coming from, but also, if you make her choose between you and her dad, you have very little chance of winning

people don't change, you got out before it got worse and believe me it gets worse

maroongrad 13

Good on you. Drug addicts ruin it for everyone around them; you're not the first nor the last relationship to be broken up by an addict. If he's trying to get off them, going to rehab, seeing a counselor, etc. then he's going to need her support but you also need to consider your own health and well-being. If he's not doing those things? Please send her to Nar-Anon or another group or organization that helps support the family and friends of addicts. She's going to need it...because if he's anything like other addicts, she's going to end up with everything of value stolen and sold and as an emotional mess. Sucks to find a new roommate and the damage to your and her relationship. :( FML, man.