The struggle is real

By Alone - 15/01/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, I've come to accept that while my family claims to be supportive of my disabilities, they become completely ableist whenever they're the source of the problem, or if my problems otherwise have a direct effect on them. I have no real friends in this world. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand what you mean about being supportive with your disabilities? you either have them or you don't. it's part of your life litterally

I am not defending OP's family, I am just trying to help OP understand what might be going on. While a disability affects the person with it far, far more than anyone else; it does affect the people around you. And people are human, things that make life inconvenient for them tends to be something they complain about. That's not your fault OP, but it is a human reaction... My wife's disability is she has memory problems stemming from a stroke she had in her 20's. I don't mind being her auxiliary memory unit when there are questions. I do sometimes get frustrated when she misremembers something and refuses to accept that she might have an error in her recollection. This is a minor example of one person's disability also sometimes causing inconvenience to the people they are close to... OP did not state the nature of their disability. Some disabilities have more impact than others to the people close to them. That's no one's fault, it's just something you have to figure out how to live with.


I don't understand what you mean about being supportive with your disabilities? you either have them or you don't. it's part of your life litterally

I am not defending OP's family, I am just trying to help OP understand what might be going on. While a disability affects the person with it far, far more than anyone else; it does affect the people around you. And people are human, things that make life inconvenient for them tends to be something they complain about. That's not your fault OP, but it is a human reaction... My wife's disability is she has memory problems stemming from a stroke she had in her 20's. I don't mind being her auxiliary memory unit when there are questions. I do sometimes get frustrated when she misremembers something and refuses to accept that she might have an error in her recollection. This is a minor example of one person's disability also sometimes causing inconvenience to the people they are close to... OP did not state the nature of their disability. Some disabilities have more impact than others to the people close to them. That's no one's fault, it's just something you have to figure out how to live with.

Need details about just how people are supportive and how they’re ableist.