By greenchan - 25/02/2011 05:12 - United States

Today, I had to take an emergency contraceptive. I was talking to my boyfriend about it, and I told him that my stomach really hurt. His response? "Aw. That's just the baby dying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 278
You deserved it 20 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments


WOW!... You really know how to pick them op. YDI for dating an idiot. Hope you get on birth control very soon.

And you (presumably) had sex with this moron... why?

you_and_me_fml 8

that was funny yet hes an asshole for saying that when you were in pain.. sorry op

Why are you whining? You're not the one who had a chance at being born and now doesn't because your mom is a selfish stupid child who can't accept her mistakes...

you're an idiot...the morning after pill is not the abortion pill and does NOT make you miscarry. it causes your period to start right away, so any eggs or sperm that are in the uterus are gone. if you're already preganant it would have no effect. do your reasearch before you talk

Wow, before saying something that awful, research Plan B. She did not kill a baby. Plan B doesn't abort a baby; it simply prevents conception.

lol I admit I know nothing about it but I was going off of what the boyfriend said. Besides, did you expect anything more from a troll on the internet? You guys make my day everyday with your stupid responses. "My gosh everyone! It's the internetz! It's so SERIOUS!"

TaTaTanyaHo 5

#31 it doesn't necessarily cause your period to come right away. It prevents an egg from being released just like the pill. Depending where you are in your cycle, it could actually come really late. I took plan b once and my period came three weeks late

hooligyn123 18

yes.. because every single time someone has unprotected sex they get pregnant... (that's sarcasm) I'm glad you have super powers that let you know for certain the egg would have been fertilized and she definitely stopped it from happening.

Oh, it's the classic "I was just kidding! I'm just a troll and you fell for it lololoololol!!" gag. Nice try, stevenmx86. This is the same old bullshit you've been peddling. I'm not sure what pleasure you derive from this, but if this is your idea of fun, then I truly do feel sorry for you.

I'm sorry to all who made comments to Steven, however I happen to agree with him. He never said that she had an abortion nor forced a miscarry. He simply stated that 'if' there would have been conception, by taking plan b, she removed the possibility. Which means that she did in fact prevent a life from being formed. Perhaps if you're not ready to conceive, you should take birth control regularly. There is a chance, that the person who could have discovered a cure for cancer, aids or MS, has already been aborted, due to selfish and ignorant women, who use the front of pro-choice to condone murder. Some of us are tired of hearing the same rhetoric, that does nothing to alleviate the gravity of their misgivings.

that's a stupid argument though, maybe an abortion prevented another hitler from being born and a woman saved us from World War 3. No bearings...

fthku 13

I laugh about many things that others would find inappropriate, and I'm not against abortion, but I don't find that joke funny, at all. But that's all there is it. I'm sure everyone said something in their life which was quite stupid, and regretted it later. There's no need to listen to these ridiculous people saying he's an assholeidiot and you should dump him. You know him, not these people who always presume they know so much about people, as if they had known them for years, from these 2-3 line FMLs.


Plan B is not the abortion pill. It will not terminate an existing pregnancy.

that's really messed up, but it's ur fault for not ensuring proper action of contraception was used BEFORE u got pregnant. SMDH

I'm sure OP did. Plan B is used when regular contraceptive methods fail, and as many others have said, it will not harm the baby if she is already pregnant. It just prevents conception in case the condom breaks.