By Gretchen - 25/02/2011 01:56

Today, I went to see my banker. As we were finishing everything up, I leaned forward to sign something. As I went back to sit down, my 2 year old pulled the chair out from under me, and I crashed down to the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 341
You deserved it 5 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Classic, he's gonna grow up to be one awesome prankster.

I think that even some of the best brought up children do things like this sometimes. The young child probably saw it on TV as a joke and decided to try it out. Even the most careful parents can't catch everything their kid is doing, especially when they're multitasking.


giantsfan2010 23

Classic, he's gonna grow up to be one awesome prankster.

I can't believe he's only two haha the chair would be bigger than him

JocelynKaulitz 28

But he'll be pretty sneaky while he's still small

dirtyblond 4

hehehe thats cruel>:) i wonder what he/shell be doing later on,on April Fools Day!

rjdr 7

learn better parenting. if you had your eye on the kid there would have been no problem.

I think that even some of the best brought up children do things like this sometimes. The young child probably saw it on TV as a joke and decided to try it out. Even the most careful parents can't catch everything their kid is doing, especially when they're multitasking.

tbj42409 0

kids do whatever they feel like it. even if she was watching her kids he still could have done this. jeeze give op a break you troll

MuchDance90s 0

yes, that's right, keep your eye on the child while signing a paper... which likely only took 20 seconds... very obvious who the childless people are in these threads

you will never have complete control over a child. It kinda pisses me off when people just assume bad parenting when a 2 year old does something stupid. Especially when the parent has to focus on something important for 10 seconds

callofduty4life 0

it's obviously bad parenting. and ita obviously a troll so dont get your chonies in a bunch k bro?

wow, it's called the terrible two's for a reason. most likely he wasn't even aware that the parent would fall. obviously anyone who says the kid is bad knows nothing about children and needs to shut the **** up.

i_love_grrr 0
FYLDeep 25

Hahahahahahahahahahaha if I was the banker, I'd give the kid my WHOLE sucker jar, and a high five.

that1sk8er95 0

It's called a contraction, not a pronoun.

sammy92 0
iEmily 0

Maybe the OP is married and the kid was planned, not just the result of failed contraception? Not all kids are born because of people not using condoms or contraception, or contraception failing.

haha funny, I dread to think what he might do when he's older