By Tib - 18/12/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I had to take a urine test. I drank a lot of water so that I wouldn't force it. When I got there, I had to pee really bad. The cup was too small and when I relieved my bladder, it was a jet that rebounded off of the cup and overflowed going all over my hands, clothes, toilet, and floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 387
You deserved it 26 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you take a urine test, you're supposed to pee for a second or two before you actually fill the cup. I don't remember right now what they call it for that first two seconds, but yeh. They even have instructions on most walls.

For urine tests it's best to take a sample from the middle of your urination. That is, pee a little first, to get rid of any build up, then take sample, then finish peeing. That way the doctor gets the best sample, and you don't pee all over yourself :P


stop your stream and move the cup, then continue

McMonsterMan 1

It's possible to STOP peeing? Are you a Jedi?

hayleyukulele 0's so hard to move the cup out of the way. you suck at life!

freackles94 0

sadly this has happened to me

hahah @24 seriously, OP? you're a man! you have no idea how easy you guys have it. haha. here's a thought, next time, put your absolutely serious face on and ask if they take feces samples. my friend did that once.

canible_koul 0

I had to roflmao at no_heart's comments. I nearly pissed myself, no pun related to the fml whatsoever :)

Did you lift off the ground for a second or what