By Today - 07/09/2010 02:26 - United States

Today, I had to play Paper, Rock or Scissors and beat my boyfriend in order to get him to take a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 296
You deserved it 6 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Its rock paper scissors... Not paper rock or scissors...

victoriatabert 4

Do you mean Rock Paper Scissors? Lol.

Wolf_girl_Kort 7
doglover100 28

You forgot lizard,Spock. My friend knows someone who doesn't take showers because she is allergic to soap. My friend says you have to hold your nose around her, she smells that bad.

That's about how my husband is if I lose I just tell him then I'm not going to cuddle then he herding the shower

Nederlander95 14

I've never heard of someone not saying the game as rock, paper, scissors.

Funny thing, the first time I read it my brain automatically switched it to rock, paper, scissors.