By Explicit - 13/01/2009 18:17 - United States

Today, I had to give a speech in front of my class and during my speech I had to say the words "But six"; however, because of my accent it sounded like "Butt sex". For the remainder of the day I was frequently asked about "Butt sex". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 511
You deserved it 3 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this kinda thing happens to everyone. Our class did a mock trial once, and the "judge" said "I now call upon the prostitution witness" instead of "I now call upon the prosecution witness". this was quite a long time ago, maybe grade 6. also, my friend and I had to explain what prostitution was to another one of my friends :S.


I take trees up there dude. I don't need lube. lune is for pu55ys. lol pun there

this kinda thing happens to everyone. Our class did a mock trial once, and the "judge" said "I now call upon the prostitution witness" instead of "I now call upon the prosecution witness". this was quite a long time ago, maybe grade 6. also, my friend and I had to explain what prostitution was to another one of my friends :S.

in science class, 'organism' usually comes out as '******'.

My friend once said ****** instead of organism. Good Times.

i'm going to guess that you are from Germany or Austria because in German six is sechts (sounds like sex).

IKickKittens 0

or he could be swedish where six in swedish is sex

He's probably kiwi because it sounds like wan two three foa foive sex sivven eight noin tin. I kid you not.

piderman13 0

#5 god your stupid thats not the same at all! hahaha on another note thats so funny!!! i love when words are mispronounced!!! hahaha makes my day that much funnier (;

What are the mechanics of butt sex? Lol jk. Not your fault. You can't help accidents.

heyy thats like i was in ss once and i was reading aloud about medieval times. the paper said "edward's cousin," which i said, but people thought i said "edward cullen" big mistake on my part for the twilight fans were all over me.

Hahahaha that's really funny!! Are you an American in New Zealand?

ArielTheMermaid 17

I think theyre a new zealander in america

LukeKarr22 0