By FromBerryToE - 02/02/2010 16:47 - France

Today, my boyfriend made spaghetti Bolognese. He put the sauce with the pasta, in the water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 603
You deserved it 45

Top comments

Poor thing.. Still, thank him, kiss him, tell him you love his dumb-a** and show him how to do it right.


Poor thing.. Still, thank him, kiss him, tell him you love his dumb-a** and show him how to do it right.

JustinJK 21

isn't it Italian since it's from bologna? or is there a joke I'm missing.

#15 OP and her BF are French and France is famous for its cuisine

At least he did try??? I really don't understand how anyone can not know how to coo/survive on their own but that's just me. I already teach my munchkins how to do laundry, minor repairs around the house, gardening, etc... they recently made an entire cake themselves and all I did was supervise and then cleanup for them (the cook doesn't do the cleaning here)... Good luck and night cooking lessons could be fun/interesting ways to get closer too!!!

My mother would freak out if anyone besides her tried to cook anything. She's very particular about her kitchen and cookware. It's her way or it doesn't happen. As a result I didn't really learn how to cook until after I moved out for college. A similar thing may have happened to op's boyfriend.

Not knowing how to make pasta doesn't mean you can't cook. It just means you can't cook pasta. He could be a wizard on the bbq, the king of stirfries and good with pizzas and pot pies without ever picking up a noodle.

species4872 19

Munchkins, Ha, Haven't heard that for years.

I will never understand why people complain about their SO's cooking instead of helping them or teaching them. It just makes you seem like a spoiled brat.

It is reasonable to expect from a grown-up (or at the very least a teenager old enough to have a girlfriend and cook for her) that they have basic cooking skills. I would also be surprised and amused if a partner of mine wouldn't know how to make a simple pasta dish. FML isn't always about huge, horrible things, it's often just about these weird and funny moments. For all we know, she and her boyfriend had a good laugh about it and have been happily cooking together ever since.

I don't understand how you find these things mutually exclusive when it is perfectly feasible to bitch about your partner's cooking and then help them learn.

You'd think. My wife made quesadillas the other night, and they turned out a little burnt. I asked how hot the stove was. She said she put it on 7. But then after I laughed my ass off, I explained that I sear steaks on 7, and 3 is good for a quesadilla

species4872 19

Geez, Last time I made toast I burnt the toaster.

This FML pretty much shows that cooking is not a thing people universally know. It's not exactly the end of the world if someone doesn't know how to cook. And yes I understand that FML isn't always about terrible things. I still don't think not knowing how to cook is FML-worthy, unless it caused an accident (such as 20's toaster burning).

I used to make microwave spaghetti cause I had nothing else to cook with. I'd break the pasta, fill a bowl with water and the sauce, covering the pasta, microwave for 20 minutes. The pasta would soak in the sauce and it was delicious.

So is he any better at it 6 years later?

How did he survive on his own before you? Did his parents teach him nothing?

Cooking is a learned skill. Help him learn it. :D