Drama Llama

By Anonymous - 16/01/2022 18:01 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I discovered that my supposed 'friend' was spreading rumours about me and my other friends. We confronted her, but then she started crying and playing the victim so everyone would feel sorry for her, then spread more rumours. My friends and I have done nothing to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 144
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you misspelled “ex-friend”. I don’t think your friendship is ever gonna recover

How can you say you confronted her and in the next sentence you said you've done nothing to her? Confronting her is something! I heard that she scoops food out of dumpsters to pay homeless guys to fart in her face. Maybe you ought to make others aware of this.


I think you misspelled “ex-friend”. I don’t think your friendship is ever gonna recover

How can you say you confronted her and in the next sentence you said you've done nothing to her? Confronting her is something! I heard that she scoops food out of dumpsters to pay homeless guys to fart in her face. Maybe you ought to make others aware of this.

Some people just want to watch the world burn. Get rid of that person and rid of the drama. I work in a hospital and all the nurses love to gossip and spread random rumors around for the sake of drama and it gets very old.