By lynnie - 23/10/2011 06:23 - United States

Today, I had to come up with a reward system for getting my boyfriend to brush his teeth daily. He's 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 081
You deserved it 6 071

Same thing different taste

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A point for every time he brushes his teeth. 5 points for a gold star. And with 2 gold stars he can trade in for a bj.


perdix 29

Just don't dislocate your jaw.

Bet you love giving him good morning kisses.

You're dating him, you deserve it. Hope ya like poor hygiene

SkardeyKat 3

Just from experience - stop being this guy's mom. He will always expect it and you will always be doing it and he will NEVER grow up. This doesn't end well.

Daily? I brush my teeth at least three times a day and floss. Your boyfriend's mouth sounds gross. I hope your reward system works but have the feeling it won't for very long.

guckylynn 19

It's bad to brush more than twice daily.

Once, in the morning, once, right before I go to sleep and once sometime during the day (usually after lunch). Why would brushing be bad? My toothbrush is extra soft. I don't scrub them hard. (: I just like the fresh breath feeling. Chewing gum doesn't do it for me.

It's better to brush before lunch than after. The naturally acidic food softens your enamel, so brushing after does more harm than good.

Get him to go to the dentist if he wants to prove that he doesn't need to brush his teeth daily. You can stop acting like his mom, and the bill will scare him into brushing after every meal!

Even if you brush and floss daily, you need to go to the dentist at once a year (but preferably twice a year). A dentist cleans your teeth more thoroughly than any brush or floss and will check for cavities/diseases that can be hard to find yourself.

YDI, how can you kiss someone that doesn't ever clean his mouth? This guy is 24, if he didn't care enough to brush his teeth before, then bribing him won't make him change at all. If you really care about personal hygiene, then dump this guy and find a man who actually takes care of himself. Otherwise, your bf is gonna drive you crazy for as long as you guys are together.