By troubled - 04/11/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I had an appointment with a psychotherapist. I was feeling very depressed and was telling her how I felt no one cared about me. Her phone rang and she left me mid-sentence to take a call about her new BMW. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 787
You deserved it 3 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of my friends has a T-Shirt proclaiming that they take the 'the' out of psychotherapist.

Totally out of line. Her phone should be off during a session. I'd let her know that you would appreciate her full attention during sessions, as you're paying a lot of money for it.


One of my friends has a T-Shirt proclaiming that they take the 'the' out of psychotherapist.

Now that is hilarious. Psycho rapist. Haha. XD

americayay 0

It's not really that clever. I've heard it many times. A little cliche even. OP: Just don't pay the therapist and leave.

fake... a professional wouldn't leave a client in the middle of their appointment.

Shiny new BMW tops whiney self obsessed person every time. Though I do hope you made sure he didn't charge you for the session at least.

Kylias 6

Every time... ... Unless you're a therapist. c:

#2 you're an idiot. It's the therapists job to help out a person in need even if they are just whining, that's what they're getting paid for. She was rude to the OP and the OP should have walked out then and there and found a new therapist. OP FYL for what happened. Hopefully you walked out and never go back to her. You should also think about filing a formal complaint or, in the least, make it clear to others that she's a horrible therapist and get her name out there for what she's done. I know there are websites and newspaper articles in my area all the time written by patients that tell you how the doctors treated them, maybe you should look into one of them.

Sun_Kissed18 25

wow TheTruth1428.... it was a joke. Way to take it seriously

For someone treating depression, That's a pretty big indiscretion. I say to be happy, Tell her she's crappy, And refuse to pay for the session!

greenltrn2003 0

this is pretty freakin awesome...but I think this is a ripoff of that 'iReply with lyrics' chick but yours are original (right?) which makes you cooler

Probably a rip-off. But it's fun. I can see why iReply does it.

LilKonvicted 0

Well that's kinda ****** up isnt it. It's they're job you know.. :X

WinterBlue42 22

I'm willing to bet the lady was in it only for the money, rather than any actual care or interest in peoples mental well-being. :/

Mx_Rider 6

NUMBER~4 haha dude i was like that rhymed till i saw ur name i was like ohhh hah sick shit kuddos to number 4 :D

liveBabylon 0

I thought theres a rule you can't answer phone calls? When I had one I wasn't even whinny I was always just telling her about my day and they neever ever answered a call!

greendaygirl999 5

My moms a therapist and I know for a fact that they are not allowed to answer their phone during sessions, especially personal calls. This FML is clearly fake.

You seem to have a knack for the limerick, #4. (This was supposed to be a reply, but the site broke a little)

Lymrics: my anti-drug I also owned waaaay too many Dr Sues books as a child

Totally out of line. Her phone should be off during a session. I'd let her know that you would appreciate her full attention during sessions, as you're paying a lot of money for it.

Agreed. That's extremely unprofessional behavior and you should probably look into getting a new doctor.

Hahahha, that's nothing. One time I went in, and talked about feeling depressed and lonely, and then the guy pulled a 7-11 bag out and ate a candy bar and soda like it was a movie. lol.

"nobody is that rude anyway" where do you live?