By Anonymous - 31/01/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, my fiancé ended our engagement, saying he wanted to have "one last quickie" for the road. He saw nothing wrong with that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 068
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll never understand why men expect sex after dumping their girlfriend. Isn't the breakup painful enough without letting it be obvious you only loved her for the sex?

UpsidedownKayak 9

It is better to find out before you get married than after. That sucks for you, OP, but you are better off this way.


UpsidedownKayak 9

It is better to find out before you get married than after. That sucks for you, OP, but you are better off this way.

I can't find it. Are you saying this "saying "that" he" or do you mean "quickie" because that's correct in that context. Honestly I don't see the typo unless a mod was just that quick...

4- I am amused at the fact your post is entirely misspelled, though. ;)

O.O Don't tell Sirin she overlooked something or she'll eat your vowels.

UpsidedownKayak 9

I have never eaten vowels before, but they look delicious. How are they Sirin? Do you have any left to share?

ZeeBest86 6

I'll lEt sOmEOnE ElsE cOrrEct thE typO woot..I'm actually proud of myself!

So did ya do it? :D JK Sorry 'bout the breakup OP.

I'll never understand why men expect sex after dumping their girlfriend. Isn't the breakup painful enough without letting it be obvious you only loved her for the sex?

See, it's logical to females. Males think with the other head, typically.

Fuhohohoho!~ Darling, do you just inadvertently call me a woman?

Your comment made me think you were one since you understood that expecting sex after breaking up is not normal. :P My bad! It's not common to find a man who doesn't expect sex at such a time, at least in my experience.

I'm just one of few men who think with my brain rather than my...well, you get the picture!~

I'd like to think that there are more than just "a few."

I'd like to think that too, but experience tells me otherwise.

talb1 7

Steff it's more common then you know. You just have to find the right guy.

typical stereotypical morons that put males at the focal point of wrong doing. here's a memo, not all men are like that. there's plenty of foolish women out there equally.

@ all - Yep, and I've found mine. I'm just saying for the most part I haven't seen men like that. Also - I realize women are like that too. Calm down, dude.

AzKoldAzICE 3

well at least she knows she is a good ****..

SrakaSrakasta 20

WHat the hell is wrong with you. Just because a person breaks up with you it doesn't mean they only used you for sex. Maybe they just got tired of your bitching.

prettylittledevi 0

well if you did it... then there would be something wrong with that

What an ass. I hope you told him to go **** himself. Literally.