Quite the catch

By carey33 - 04/06/2020 14:15

Today, even though I’m having contractions, I’m still trying to clean up the house. My husband just got pissy with me because I was rolling the vacuum behind me instead of picking it up and carrying it to the closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 975
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your S.O is getting pissy about something so inconsequential then how is he going to act when the baby is born, this seems like a red flag.

Unless you're week 36+, SIT DOWN. Early contractions are not a good thing to have. Either way I hope you've consulted with your doctor about the contractions.


Unless you're week 36+, SIT DOWN. Early contractions are not a good thing to have. Either way I hope you've consulted with your doctor about the contractions.

If your S.O is getting pissy about something so inconsequential then how is he going to act when the baby is born, this seems like a red flag.

What the ****? Don't stay with a dickhole who puts the vacuum cleaner above the health of his wife and unborn child. Also, why on Earth did you carry on cleaning throughout your contractions?

Does your jerk husband expect you to clean while your fully pregnant, including contractions? Also, it's super controlling how he expects you to put away the vacuum. Turn him into a jerk ex-husband.

Laura Hughes 9

A real man would tell his wife to sit down and relax during contractions. He sounds like a real loser. Wow

carey33 15

He’s not that bad everyone, we were both really stressed out and emotions were going crazy! Baby is here and he’s been doing a great job with her and helping out with our toddler

If this behavior is indicative of the rest of your relationship you need to get out. The stress of a baby only makes things like that worse.

Sorry but tbh, it sounds like you need to leave him.