By Alec - 15/06/2011 09:02 - United States

Today, I had a sore throat, and I'd read that drops of Tabasco sauce on your tongue helps. I aimed the bottle at my tongue and the whole cap came off, covering my face and filling my mouth with Tabasco sauce, causing me to blow chunks all over the kitchen floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 016
You deserved it 38 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hot sauce for a sore throat? What are you reading, "Medical Journal for those who liken themselves to Chuck Norris"?


Nice try mate, the ENTIRE bottle is glass so it would have to shatter for ur version of the storie, and no more than 1-3 drops can come out at once, i just explained y im calling B.S. on this.

That is the most idiotic thing I have heard in ages.

xluciferx666 21

Pick it up and save it for fajita Friday

bullshit Tabasco sauce dosent come out in stream, you have shake the shit like a hand job to get out the sauce out

Sweetie, try hot water or hot green tea with lemon and/or honey, or mint tea

Most people would have put it into a spoon...