By bitter cherry - 29/09/2010 21:29 - United States

Today, I took a cough drop to soothe my sore throat, only to choke, gag, and spend the next ten minutes at the point of vomiting because the bitter lozenge got stuck in my windpipe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 124
You deserved it 3 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You need to read the directions. Choking and gagging are definitely not recommended. You have confused a throat lozenge with something completely different.

a lozenge? man up and use bleach! hand in your man card, wimp.


perdix 29

You need to read the directions. Choking and gagging are definitely not recommended. You have confused a throat lozenge with something completely different.

RedPillSucks 31

LOL!!! Probably would need a throat lozenge after that other thing too.

, you need to get more practice in if you choke so easily!, I'm talkin buy some carrots and cucumbers, and when you're done with the salad, go suck some dick!

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds absolutely God-awful. Trying to soothe a sore throat is futile. It's just going to be sore again. And why even bother trying to heal and ailment when you're just going to die anyway? Your life, on the scale of eternity, is nothing. All that you do is completely pointless. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

MrCalves 1

so am I too late to make a dick joke now?

hahafylop 4

mattman, I love your pic, Green Bay is my fave and clay Matthews pwns. Aside from that, I don't mean to be a prick but you would die if something was stuck in your windpipe for any amount of time, and if you choked for 10 minutes, we would have read this from an obituary, not a hilarious website.

KingDingALing 9

19- so you would rather keep a sore throat then make it feel better for a short period of time?

42- As long as the cough drop wasnt completely stuck, air could still get through and the op would still be alive

Yeah I agree with 48. Cough drops and lozenges taste like candy :D

hahafylop 4

ok tu shey idk bout spelling on that but... 65 still nothing can go down your windpipe or you die immediately.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26 are an FML legend!

Next time, drink some nice tea with honey

Never mind the tea. Just the spoonful of honey works!

Yuck and yuck-er! I'd rather gargle saltwater.

My sweet tooth is fine, those things are just nasty!

If you have a sweet tooth, you would like the spoonful of honey. You have to be a tea person to like the tea.

No ma'am. Honey has a strange and aweful taste to it. Honey's nasty, honey.

fmlsxmakexmyxday 0

watch out for cough drops. there deadly!