By penguindude82 - 06/05/2012 07:38 - United States - Dallas

Today, I had a huge yard sale. Since I live in a good neighborhood, I decided to leave the stuff out tonight rather than pack it all in for only a few hours. The news didn't say anything about the impending severe thunderstorm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 710
You deserved it 33 782

Same thing different taste

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So lemme get this straight. The storm stole your stuff? Is that what happened? Goddamn weather. Edit: I have no idea what the **** I'm saying.


TwiztedYuri 9

where you expecting the weather to come over knock on your door and be like.... so um I'm about to make a storm. so like move your stuff pls. if you where outside all day doing the yardsale you wouldn't know what the weather would be like.

I live in a 500k up neighborhood and got robbed for 50 thousand dollars.... Can't trust anybody... Even mother nature.

You really live in a +500k neighborhood? Sooo... How you doin? (Since this is via the internet, you have to imagine me giving you suggestive nods, winks, and the like).

Haha, how funny, do you live around Melissa? We also had a community garage sale, but we decided to move our stuff inside. Nasty weather, it's rarely so bad.

Yeah, that's not really a news story, more of a weather story. Just like when the sports anchor doesn't open with the city council meeting agenda.

marcus903 17

What kind of world do we live in to be under the impression that just because we live in a good environment, our house and belongings are safe from inclement weather and easy-spotting thieves? Seriously, you need to get a mind check.

Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day.

This seriously happened to us this weekend too! 60 mph winds. 15 loads of laundy later think it's all clean.