By penguindude82 - 06/05/2012 07:38 - United States - Dallas

Today, I had a huge yard sale. Since I live in a good neighborhood, I decided to leave the stuff out tonight rather than pack it all in for only a few hours. The news didn't say anything about the impending severe thunderstorm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 710
You deserved it 33 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So lemme get this straight. The storm stole your stuff? Is that what happened? Goddamn weather. Edit: I have no idea what the **** I'm saying.


CursedSilent 1

I never understand that mindframe... If you're a criminal, what neighborhood do you want to hit, the bad one where the owners might shoot back or the good one where people leave their belongings out overnight? Good or bad, all neighborhoods still get robbed.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Soooo... In other words, you live in a gated community?

asiancupcake 1

That sucks! But just saying, u had it coming and LAZY much?

Do you live in South Dakota? it happened here, too.

courtneyann211 10

It says Texas...even on the mobile app

Or anyone driving through your neighborhood...

Just because you live in a good community doesn't meann people won't do things they normally wouldn't, especially in this economy. YDI for leaving your things out on that principle alone. The thunderstorm was karma for being lazy and presumptuous.

eyecon502 13

I love the "I live in a nice neighborhood, and criminals only rob ghetto neighborhoods" mentality of people. YDI!

ekdfml 20

I thought you were gonna say everything was stolen!

Trix_Disorder 20

Yeah, they didn't report that storm last night. But in Texas, one always assumes that randomness is a part of the weather.