By Anonymous - 19/07/2012 04:55 - United States - San Diego

Today, I had a few friends over. Wanting to seem cool, I yelled at my girlfriend to get me a beer. She chucked four bottles at my head. All my friends cheered her on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 851
You deserved it 80 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gianthelper 1

I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is going to cheer her on aswell. Way to be a dick.


gigi03 5

Your a douche me myself wouldn't do such a thing.

kschlicke 11

I can't really say that YDI; You do deserve your gf being pissed at you, or humiliating YOU in some way because of the way you talked to her. That is NEVER ok to be so disrespectful to someone you supposedly care about. Especially just to look cool and humiliate HER in front of all your friends. But at the same time your gf had NO right to throw objects at you, especially beer BOTTLES. You could of been seriously injured, that is domestic abuse no matter how you look at it.

SkateboardGirl88 11

if he had let out "trying to seem cool" i'm sure no one would have thought he deserved it... really he just ask her to grab him a beer.

There is no way that you didn't deserve that. Just be glad you got your beer.

tehdarkness 21

The best FML's always contain" trying to look cool"

ideasrule 13

Everybody who voted YDI should be ashamed of themselves. There is NO excuse for throwing glass bottles at anyone's head, as it has a high chance of seriously injuring or blinding the victim. This type of violence is a crime no matter how you look at it, and if the OP has any self-respect, he should not tolerate it.

I'm surprised she didn't break up with u

It's funny how when a guy tells a girl what to do its sexist and the guy is called an asshole and a dick, but it's fine for a girls to tell a guy what to do??? I wouldn't put up with that.

so nobody here has ever asked anyone to get them something from the kitchen. and i love all the guys on the girls side. none of these girls are gonna bang you just stop.