By Anonymous - 19/07/2012 04:55 - United States - San Diego

Today, I had a few friends over. Wanting to seem cool, I yelled at my girlfriend to get me a beer. She chucked four bottles at my head. All my friends cheered her on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 851
You deserved it 80 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gianthelper 1

I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is going to cheer her on aswell. Way to be a dick.


flutter4 7

I would have chunked it at your dick

That's SO not the way to talk to girls! It's really annoying when guys think that being rude to their girlfriend portrays them as "cool" to their friends.

Dude, you're lucky she didn't walk out on you. Guys like you really need to take a look at their life and appreciate what they have.

That's why sammich jokes and the like shouldn't leave the Internet.

bmd87860 1

Ur girl is a bitch! If she was messin with you while her friends were around you would probably just go with it

DylansMomma 9

Serves you right for thinking it's cool to be a demanding jerk in front of all your friends. A tip: We respect men more who treat us the same when their friends are around and when we're alone.

Douchebag. Why do you even have a girlfriend? You don't deserve to have love from a woman.

I think this doesn't serve well as an FML. Try looking for a sight like, ',' 'I',' or ''