By actually just constipated.. and stupid - 04/03/2015 15:03 - Tunisia

Today, I went to the doctor, because I've been having stomach pains and nausea for weeks. He ended up gravely telling me I'm pregnant. I freaked out and panicked about what my parents would say. Then his laughter reminded me that I'm a guy. A really stupid one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 368
You deserved it 37 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said "I'm not a man" just to **** with him too

You're not on the pill!? Jeez man. At least use condoms Eh mate!


You're not on the pill!? Jeez man. At least use condoms Eh mate!

never thought I would say this but thats a cool doctor.

You should've said "I'm not a man" just to **** with him too

Luckily for OP, there's a chance the doctor thought OP was playing along with the joke and made a really good pretend freakout?

The doctor knows his gender from the papers he has to submit before being seen...

"I thought you were a doctor and you can't even differentiate gender?!" Hahaha

Dodge4x4Ram 46

took freaked out to a new level

Maybe you should take the next level. The capital level. Perhaps even a "T".

we all understand what he's saying, so is that really necessary? not defending him or anything but go about your business dude.

Sympathy pains for your girlfriend maybe?

You're a complete idiot, haha. Sorry OP, but you deserve this one.

You probably did need to give birth though, to a huge shit. Same concept, completely different experience and people don't exactly congratulate you and want to hold it.

I think I laughed a little harder than I should have. Sorry, OP!

Why be sorry? This is FML. He posted this at his own risk. Of course we are going to mock OP.

Yes we're going to mock posters, but we're not going to be jerks about it.