By Anonymous - 24/06/2019 12:00

Today, I needed to get blood drawn. Apparently, my veins are too thin and no blood would flow into the tube. I'm afraid of needles, and was just poked with some unsuccessfully, and I have to go back next week to try again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 638
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks to be a difficult draw. There are some things you can do to help: steadily drink water the morning of the blood draw, and wear a sweater for 20 minutes before. The extra fluid helps the veins expand, and the heat helps bring your veins towards the surface.

Your fear of needles is not irrational seeing how you just had to deal with a bunch of pricks.


Your fear of needles is not irrational seeing how you just had to deal with a bunch of pricks.

But we don't know the gender of the phlebotomist(s), now do we?

I was talking about the needle sticks. It’s probably only one prick who is asking the OP to come back for more torture.

It sucks to be a difficult draw. There are some things you can do to help: steadily drink water the morning of the blood draw, and wear a sweater for 20 minutes before. The extra fluid helps the veins expand, and the heat helps bring your veins towards the surface.

BigSissy 14

I would say drink enough water throughout the week but not a lot on the morning of your draw. You can, in a way, dilute your blood if you do that and they may make you come back again. Good luck!

Also drip drop, Gatorade, or something along those lines the day before. Just water in the am doesn’t always work. I have to get a butterfly needle in the hand. I tell them that before I even sit down. I hate needles and have to get almost monthly blood draws. Being a tough stick makes it worse. I also rub my hands under warm water before I leave for the lab.

Drink a BUNCH of water, it helps plump up your veins a bit.

I feel like this should be obvious, but did they try using a butterfly needle? Also, I'm sorry that happened. Being poked with a needle can suck even when you're not afraid of them.

LostSoul 19

Butterfly needle does not help me.

SaucierGirl 20

Talk to them about using a butterfly needle with a syringe. My veins collapse sometimes and they have to use those. It’s a much thinner needle, and much more gentle.

LostSoul 19

I have terrible veins. Red Cross told me to never donate again. Took 3 people 3 hours to get the blood drawn. I was in the ER one time, and 7 IVs infiltrated before I was admitted, 3 after. Ended up with an IV in my armpit.