By pincushion - 31/12/2015 05:47 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had a CT scan done with contrast. My tech seemed competent in his job so I wasn't nervous, until he tried to start my IV. It took him 3 attempts to get it right. Not only was I stuck 3 times, he also blew one of my veins. I now have severely bruised arms and what look like track marks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 116
You deserved it 1 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theblondeone 16

As a phlebotomist in a major hospital, this is extremely common and unavoidable, especially if you are dehydrated or have crappy veins. It's not necessarily the tech's fault.

Try warm packs if you have bumps and cold packs for the bruises with some tylenol or ibuprofen and the bruises and bumps should clear up quickly. Hang in there OP and I hope your CT results come out ok. - Nurse Becca


tangerine06 20

The same thing happened to my mom and I almost fainted just from watching the nurse slide the needle in and out of my mom's arm over and over again.

Same thing happened to my brother his arm blew up like a balloon.

I had the exact same problem when getting contrast for my MRI. It seemed to work the second time until she blew out my vein. It ended up taking her three times with someone else to assist her the third time.

Went to the ER, needed a CT. Took 5 people, 9 tries. Still didn't get the IV in. Had bruises all over both arms. Oh, and I'm afraid of needles....

I have 20 years as a medic and now RN and I still miss. It happens.

It happens. They do their best, but sometimes it's simply unavoidable. In saying that, I had to be in and out of hospital a bit a few years back, and because my veins are very hard to find, even to the most skilled of nurses, I actually asked them to bring in an ultrasound machine just to avoid this situation. If you find that you do have issues whenever you get a blood test, etc, this might be an option available in some places! THANK YOU to our wonderful nurses and doctors for all that you do!!

I can confirm that this sucks because it has happened to me many times. Sorry OP! Get better soon!

That happens to me but I was stabbed like 10 times but my vein didn't break

And this is where we try to find him a new job...