By Anonymous - 27/05/2013 23:34 - United States - Brimfield

Today, I got to wash my ex-wife's dishes at her apartment while her new boyfriend played with my daughter in the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 019
You deserved it 12 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yea its about that time to put your foot down. That's your kid


Are you a carpet because she is walking all over you. Seriously though. Stop.

Okay, first of all, without any backstory, we can't make any judgements here, especially about the relationship between the daughter and new boyfriend. She could completely serious about him, and he could be really good with kids, which as a single mother I can tell you, plays a HUGE roll in how you spend the rest of your life. Second, I'm wondering is she sick, or... Why are you doing her dishes?? I'm sorry you were in that situation, I feel as the daughters father you should been able to e the one spending that time with her, while her bf is helping take care of what ever it was you were doing.

Why???? FYL for doing it. I'm sure no one was forcing you to wash the dishes....

blackvyper 8

Good for you. It sounds like a great way to co parent.The dishes laundry and grocery shopping never end ... I think you stepped up to meet the needs of your child ... something a FATHER would do.

There's a reason you get a divorce. It's to avoid situations like that.

No wonder she left you. You are not a man!

#117 Normally I wouldn't agree. But you are spot on with that one.

WHY would you willingly do such a thing???