By Anonymous - 16/08/2016 16:10 - United States - Richmond

Today, my ex-husband introduced our daughter to her "new mommy". That's the third time this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 182
You deserved it 1 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to tell him to get a grip. It isn't fair on you not your daughter. How will he like it if you introduced your daughter to various men and saying 'this your new daddy?'

You should definitely set some ground rules. Like he has to date her at least "x" amount of time before she meets your daughter.


Nothing like a stable home environment for your child, a parade of bimbos should give her something to aspire to. Poor girl. I bet she's wondering why all of her "new mommies" look like they just graduated high school.

and where did you get this idea? you don't know anything about this person, their ex, or their 'new mommies.'

That's so rude and very probably wrong. I can see, why you'd think the dad was a douche, but why would you call the women bimbos. You shouldn't have such a mean mindset.

Alup132 22

You might want to talk to someone about that. Even if he's my trying to steal your daughter without custody, he shouldn't be saying that to your daughter, or explain that it's just a step-mother and not her real mother.

"steal the daughter"? What did you read?

#3 I'm not liking this whole "Step-moms aren't real moms" business.

You should definitely set some ground rules. Like he has to date her at least "x" amount of time before she meets your daughter.

I totally agree. My older sister has a different dad than my other siblings and me and my dad had to wait a certain amount of time so they were sure the relationship was going to work before he was allowed to meet her.

joeyl2008 29

I disagree. there is nothing wrong with introducing your kid to your partner early on but you shouldn't introduce them as their new mommy

Time to tell him to get a grip. It isn't fair on you not your daughter. How will he like it if you introduced your daughter to various men and saying 'this your new daddy?'

Someone needs to have a word with the guy. That's not fair on your daughter, or the women he's dating especially if especially trying to force the "mommy" role onto them so quickly. She doesn't even need a new mother, she has you! This is also unfair on you too.

At this point, I'd probably forgo the "new mommy" explanation in favor of something more Whovian. "Remember Trisha, honey?" "Yeah, dad." "Well, to escape death, she regenerated. We also call her Kate now."

born_hustla 26

That's just ridiculous and stupid on his part. No such thing as "new mommy" or "new daddy". It's true that there are things that a kid cannot understand which is why adults are forced to lie. But I think separated parents should simply introduce their dates by their names or as friends until the vulnerable kid can understand...and have certain rules such as what the kid should be exposed to. May sound complicated but once both parties assumed their responsibilities and set boundaries that are respected, I think it should be ok. Just my opinion.

If that's the 3rd time this year, then obviously it was a good thing for you to divorce him