By Anonymous - 27/05/2013 23:34 - United States - Brimfield

Today, I got to wash my ex-wife's dishes at her apartment while her new boyfriend played with my daughter in the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 019
You deserved it 12 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yea its about that time to put your foot down. That's your kid


Don't be such a pussy and strap on a pair! Holy!

knotcool 15

I can see a reasonable explanation to this. Maybe she invited him to dinner, (assuming they're civil with each other.) bribed him with extra visitation above what he's allotted, and after dinner just started giving out chores. "Honey, will you watch her for a minute?",*points at OP* " and I need you to clear the table and dishes for me, while I go take a nap, I've had a stressful day" *walks away*. If he doesn't do the dishes, he won't get to see his daughter as much! So, FYL in this case.

uhmaizing 3

time to reconsider your life choices

Just wondering... Why were you their?

boobsarefun 4

Why the **** were u doing that? If ur that whipped (I guess would be the word for this situation) and u let all that happen then u deserve it and shouldn't post this on fml. Stand up for ur ****** self

This seems like it would make an interesting day time television special.

I honestly think that was very brave of you to do. It showed how strong of a person you are to withstand something most people would've screamed over.