By swiggityswooty - 23/07/2014 04:09 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got the, "It's not you, it's me" speech for the third breakup in a row. I'm beginning to think that they may not be entirely telling me the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 040
You deserved it 7 358

Same thing different taste


Maybe take a chance on a girl you wouldnt normally go for. Maybe ur looking for love in the wrong place and going after a certain "type" who doesn't mesh well with your type.

andrealovvve 17

Everyone has that one person that's right for them, they obviously weren't that person. So don't get down on yourself, just be patient and that person will come eventually. :b

I wouldn't take it personally. The person obviously wants to just experiment with different kinds of people. Does not necessarily mean your uninteresting. Once they explore, they may come to realize that you were the best fit

I'll be honest with you, OP. It's not the Swiggity they don't like, it's the Swooty.

Don't beat yourself up about it. I ended a 4 year relationship in September. Dated between then and March and I got the same thing. Now I've been with my gf for 4 months and things are wonderful :) keep your head up and most importantly, don't change!

I'd break up with someone with the nickname Swiggityswooty too

I know that feeling....but keep your head up! The right one will come along soon

Well if your sex was given this would make an easier comment but I am figuring you are a female That's three out of the hundreds maybe thousands of single men keep your chin up OP

If it's them AND they love you, they would think about changing themselves instead of breaking up. But if it's the third time, it's maybe you who has to change... However in both cases it's not anyone's fault (unless it's a cheating matter) so don't lose hope.

Axel5238 29

People only change so much, why is it generally assumed the guy is the one to change to fit what the woman would want. Reminds me of Carlos Mencia joke: Women always complain it's the guys fault they can't reach climax and it's the guys fault they can't. Why is it the guy maybe it it is you. Sometimes it is we gotta look in the mirror and be honest about how we treat people and how realistic our expectations are in relationships.