Classic lineup

By LonelyInLove - 17/02/2023 08:00 - United States - Methuen

Today, a guy I had developed feelings for broke things off with me, giving me a version of the “it’s not you, it’s me” line. This was the first person I had liked/wanted to date in almost 8 years. I think I’m destined to be alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 742
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It is you. You need to give more people a chance. Getting obsessed with one person puts you in a position of weakness with them. Having options makes you more attractive.

Not every connection will “click”. But there are multiple people out there who could be a good connection that works for both of you. Don’t obsess over the connections that don’t work. Give yourself an appropriate time to mourn what did not work, then move on and keep trying. There is no “one perfect mate”, there are simply people who are compatible with each other and those who are not.


It is you. You need to give more people a chance. Getting obsessed with one person puts you in a position of weakness with them. Having options makes you more attractive.

Not every connection will “click”. But there are multiple people out there who could be a good connection that works for both of you. Don’t obsess over the connections that don’t work. Give yourself an appropriate time to mourn what did not work, then move on and keep trying. There is no “one perfect mate”, there are simply people who are compatible with each other and those who are not.