By swiggityswooty - 23/07/2014 04:09 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got the, "It's not you, it's me" speech for the third breakup in a row. I'm beginning to think that they may not be entirely telling me the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 040
You deserved it 7 358

Same thing different taste


Go back to them and ask them in all honesty what it was so that it can help you improve. Good luck. You'll find someone soon. Keep your head up.

Today I read a post on reddit about some girl whose 3 exe's mothers dyed during the relationship

start writing songs, it works for Taylor swift ;)

Oh that stings! But trust me, the "Its not ME, it's YOU" speech is no better. I got one today. Via text. After 3 1/2 years. And he also happens to owe me $200. So ya' know, it could be worse right?

Months too late, cliche reference inserted. You're better off, you don't need to be with someone who doesn't want you!

Gotta love that. That ranks up there with "You're a nice guy, but I just want to be friends"

That saying is a nice way to say "sorry, I'm not attracted to you". Some people don't get it tho and think others should date them just because they're "nice". You pick friends that are nice. For partner you want someone that is your friend (unless it's a hook up) AND to whom you're attracted to/in love.