By swiggityswooty - 23/07/2014 04:09 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got the, "It's not you, it's me" speech for the third breakup in a row. I'm beginning to think that they may not be entirely telling me the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 040
You deserved it 7 358

Same thing different taste


Don't worry about it OP....go to a nice happy hour with some friends and celebrate!

well, swiggityswooty, were you just coming fir their booty?

I'm George Costanza, I invented the it's not you it's me. You can't use that on me. I know it's definitely me then. Lmao sorry to say it, it must be you or you have to find someone more like minded

If your a girl next time say "yeah it's you tiny penis" If your a guy next time say "yeah it's you baggy used up pussy"

Most immature break up reaction ever. Grow up.

Maybe after dating you they realise that they cannot compare with your pure awesomeness and they dump you in shame at themselves.

TcheQ 12

Perhaps you're not a very nice person. Bad Hygiene. Terrible attitude. Ungroomed fugly features. Bland personality. Needy. Unattentive. Miserly. Exaggerating your self-worth, achievements or connections.