By jennlikewhoa - 18/07/2011 10:07 - United States

Today, I got robbed at the gas station I work at. After only getting $38 dollars out the register, the guy then stole my purse. It had my rent money in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 910
You deserved it 4 541

Same thing different taste


...and you carry your rent money in cash? hmmm. I would've robbed you too. Only carry in cash what you can afford to lose.

denvan 0

should've followed him and tackled him

If you play your cards right you shouldn't have to work there again [or anywhere for a long long time] due to 'extreme emotional distress'...I wouldn't mind that lol

Sunny_Eclipse 6

How did he get your purse? Don't tell me you have it out on the counter, or that you just gave it up. Hopefully the ****** gets what he deserves, and that your landlord is understanding.

I was thinking that.. surely you'd keep your purse somewhere safe out the back or something. Sounds like OP had it clearly visible. Also when you work somewhere that implements cash dispersal techniques you learn to follow them with your own money! Don't keep it all in one place.

I would of gone and kicked that persons ass!!!

Senior29 8

could have been worse. atleast ur safe

Will the stores insurance policy reimburse you?

I would guess not.. Our company policy states we're not allowed to have large sums of personal cash at work and it isn't covered by the insurance.

mikaylaraymond 0

explain to your boss what happened and your land lord