By jennlikewhoa - 18/07/2011 10:07 - United States

Today, I got robbed at the gas station I work at. After only getting $38 dollars out the register, the guy then stole my purse. It had my rent money in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 910
You deserved it 4 541

Same thing different taste


YDI completely for having that much cash on you at work! though nobody deserves being robbed it is entirely your fault you lost your rent. if you absolutely must carry it you don't keep it anywhere near customers. it should be locked up in the back office.

pyrenean_dreams 0

That really sucks. But honestly, why would you carry your rent money with you? I have to pay my rent ii n cash too but there's no way in Hell I'm carrying around $900 in my purse.

If you have to pay in cash I bet your landlord is a tax dodger..

twizlet 0

and thats when u block the camera and take your rent out of he register and say dude stole it.

skittlesxmonster 5

What a great idea! She can just take the hundreds of dollars of rent money out of a register that only had $38 to begin with.

kmumma 3

2 things: 1. your purse must have been in sight for him to ask about it 2. why would you pay rent in cash when you can use checks which also serves as a receipt. YDI!

Jerret 6

Wow, you kind of deserve that. It's not safe carrying all that money in your purse. Ever heard of these new-fangled things called bank accounts?

Xquisite1 28

@21&30 Ever heard of making a deposit? Maybe she didn't get the opportunity to yet and then she was robbed.I hate stupid ******* know-it-all people. And btw maybe she had just cashed her paycheck. Not every company offers direct deposit.

green_eggs_and_h 0

You know what I hate? When people get upset and vulgar over nothing. Life's too short to waste time being angry over a stranger's comment!

y would u carry your rent money with you ydi

why did you have your rent money in cash? have you heard of checks???