By jennlikewhoa - 18/07/2011 10:07 - United States

Today, I got robbed at the gas station I work at. After only getting $38 dollars out the register, the guy then stole my purse. It had my rent money in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 910
You deserved it 4 541

Same thing different taste


ssaammiiee 5

anybody with a heart would give you extra time to get your rent in if you were robbed. good luck op!

That sucks, but hopefully it'll be covered on your employers insurance(provided you have that in usa/canada or wherever you may be)

And everyone saying "your purse shouldn't have been in view" and that shit, my friend got robbed at work, when they only got couple of hundred out the safe they made her get her handbag,took her jewellery and her car keys which were locked away. A few dollars more is everything to a smackhead really they'll take what they can get!

biggest lie fml ive ever heard... it is very uncommon for a store to be robbed and the odds that someone who got robbed would use this app are about 100000000000:1

kaykay9080 5

Ydi f0r putting your purse where someone could reach.

linlee 0

5, that's what an atm is for..when its your life at risk then you would understand. they keep it low so people wont wanna rob the place and if you do get rob with alot of cash in your drawer you will lose your job. use some common sense before opening your mouth about something you don't even know nohing about k!

That really sucks too bad the guy ahold of your purse

that's what you get for paying rent in's 2011 for Christ sake. Unless you're buying massive amounts of drugs there's no need to have that much cash