By Bridget - 28/08/2019 18:00

Today, on to the bus home from school, I sat next to a guy that I ride with every day, but don't know well. He looked at me and said, "Hey, I know this girl named Bridget who looks just like you, but a lot more pale. She's really weird." I'm Bridget. I just got a tan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 899
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sit with him every day and he doesn't recognize you when you get a tan? You may not know him well, but he seems rather stupid. Is that what you want?


You sit with him every day and he doesn't recognize you when you get a tan? You may not know him well, but he seems rather stupid. Is that what you want?

Yea, no; *nobody* wants that.... While you can't fix Stupid, you can still duct-tape 'im so as to keep him quiet - and your sanity/ peaceful solitude intact, right? [/s]

TxKitten79 10

Without more context this sounds like awkward-clueless-guy flirting to me rather than him actually not knowing who you are.

That was actually my thought, having once been the kind of guy who would pull that. I once sat on a bus next to a really cute girl for both legs of a 2.5 hour field trip without saying a word to her because I had no clue on how to start a conversation. (We finally became friends on Facebook 35 years layer and got together at our 40th reunion.) Still, I would never have added the "she's really weird" part, especially if it was a girl I liked.

Ok, he was making a joke, and you were to dumb to see that. On you girl.

LostSoul 19

oh,a joke that is also an insult. How passive aggressive of him.

LostSoul 19

I would have just said, " oh, you know my twin?"