By dating a fking cnt - 10/11/2012 00:16 - Canada

Today, I got my wisdom teeth removed. My girlfriend had agreed to come over after and make sure I was okay, so I called her, saying I was done. She told me she'd made new plans, and to "just suck on a tampon, you pussy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 749
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazytwinsmom 25

Damn. BTW. You aren't supposed to "suck" on anything. Unless you want a dry socket.


and sleep sitting up. keep your head elevated above your heart as much as you can!

She called you a pussy, so it's only fair for you to call her a ****.

He already has in his name. Now it's time for him to say it to her face.

perdix 29

#20, with all due respect, and with my rudimentary knowledge of anatomy, I believe he has earned the right to call her a dick, prick, ****, Johnson or Cowper's gland, even if the last one is very confusing.

jsolis1982 6

The more confusing, the better. It's so much more fun when someone doesn't know they're being insulted.

I don't think the wisdom teeth are all you should have removed, darling... The sudden change of plans is forgivable, but the stab afterwards is a bit over-the-top, especially when you're already physically hurting.

sugarshane007 20

Well, you really have to appreciate the love here! I'm sure we can all learn something from her example.

perdix 29

What should I ice? I'm guessing my nipples. Is that it, Nurse Noor?

If she'll replace you for her friends then she probably also unfortunately replace you for some other guy.

SomeDeadRabbits 8

You have to admit, that was clever!

What a bitch. Break up with her. You deserve soo much better than that.