By john r.t. - 10/11/2012 00:30 - United States - Eagle Pass

Today, I walked in on my son teabagging his sister over a video game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 716
You deserved it 3 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1- You, my friend, have obviously never been hit by a blue turtle shell inches from the finish line.


Bring your son to a mental hospital. That's disturbing and disgusting and just wrong all around. I'll never understand how boys can become so worked up over a video game.

I guessing your a girl then and was never a kid?

Hey, Pokemon Stadium 2 can get really intense. Those minigames get me very worked up.

1- You, my friend, have obviously never been hit by a blue turtle shell inches from the finish line.

I believe that any guy can enjoy a video game and not have to stick there balls in someone's face if they lose.

bladedrose 3

You don't tea bag someone when you lose. You tea bag their corpse when you own there ass!

spekledworf 18

I play guys in videogames all the time and I have never been tea bagged.... do people really do that?

Op is referring to the teabagging such as in halo.....

I don't think OP is actually referring to tea bagging in the actual video game because why would it be that bad? It is most likely that the son was doing it in real life actually.

MissMisc3 7

35- We don't know that he lost...Could be a victory dunk.

Omg Mario Party 1.... So many friendships have been destroyed because of it. You have 5 stars and lots of coins and your best friend ends up stealing them all... Freakin chance time....

SpearD 4

Anyone can get extremely pissed at games, and I find it acceptable tea bagging someone , in game. But outside of the game is just screwed up

I looove Mario party on nintendo64. So much fun, I miss playing it.

In COD, the average American would tea bag after killing. 'Merica.

Or watching a noob play the water temple in Zelda OOT.

shyeahh_fml 19

I don't think he meant it that literally :p

I once had sex in an elevator. It was wrong on so many levels

108-I was going to rip off Bo Burnum, but then I decided to be funny on my own.

Sex on an elevator might be wrong on so many levels, but it has its ups and downs.

But then I read Texas and immediately thought, "Ohh I get it."

perdix 29

When you lose a bet, you just have to suck it up, so to speak.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I doubt there was any bet at all. It was most likely nonconsensual tea bagging haha.

59 It isn't? Oh... then what is never the answer? Now answer that question.

Marrach 7

59- Then why are we still at war? Why do African Americans have rights? Yes, that's right, violence and shotguns..

62- African-Americans have rights because of violence? I don't know about that man..

African's were made slaves because of violence. They got their freedom through a long, intellectual, difficult fight for the most basic things they have absolute rights to. Not violence. Violence was used against them and most of them fought back with their minds and words, not bullets and blood shed.

When someone is molesting you, I think you have every right to kick some ass. But that's just me.

yousuck44 11

I know this all to well, I lost a bet with my bf and I had to suck it up all right in the most grossest way possible. :(

BunchieRules 31

58 - You're right. Violence isn't the answer. It's the question, and the answer is yes. :P

Are you completely sure you know what teabagging is, sir?

71- Yes, I am. It was a very strained reference to I-can't-even-remember-what. It may have been Reckless Tortuga.

tearsXwillXfall 2

One is 28 and the other is 16. Which one is 28 and the other 16 is up to your imagination.

tearsXwillXfall 2

Why the hell is my question getting thumbed down?

You better get ready for more thumbs down since you just asked that. You should prepare for trouble, and make that double.

tearsXwillXfall 2

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway
kittytub 12
tearsXwillXfall 2

Statistically likely but may not be the case this time.

perdix 29

The brother is 42 and the sister in 45. Neither(ee) has ever been married and both weigh over 300 lbs. Didn't you read the story?

Sister is thirty. Brother is 15. So it isn't even a mouth full for her. Haha.

Valiumknights44 12

#29 I would have went with Call of Booty 2 but yours works too

well no matter how old they are thats pretty ****** up

Icyghost17 10

Now, was he doing it BECAUSE of a video game, or IN a video game? Because Halo does have that option....

iTsbSkuLLy 8

If it was in the video game I think it would not be FML worthy.

I tea bag my sister all the time... Wait where talking about halo right?

No, you should let him figure out “we're” he went wrong on his own.

I don't understand why people are so anal about spelling correctly, have you ever thought that maybe English wasn't my first language

#103 - Terrible excuse. If you've had any kind of English lessons, you should know the difference. Also, your profile says you're from Australia :/

The folks on FML are automatically programmed to assume everyone is an illiterate dumbass unless proven otherwise.

103 I think if English isn't your first language that's even more reason to correct you so you can get it correct next time.

MrCheese01 2

I'm not quite sure in which direction to take this. OP either meant her son teabagged his sister because of a video game or teabagged his sister in a video game? Hmm...

Yes, because it's clearly stated in the FML that the sister chose and accepted exactly what the son was doing. Excellent observation skills you've got, there.

She means that whatever punishment he's going to get as a result should be chosen by his sister.

Ah, that makes much more sense. My apologies, #12.