By its ok to cheat!? - 20/02/2013 21:52 - United States - Brisbane

Today, I got my results on a recent, important midterm. During the exam, I'd noticed my instructor had accidentally left an answers page in the test packet, so being honest, I didn't look at them. It turns out she did it on purpose to help us pass. I failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 749
You deserved it 15 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whats the point of a test if youre given the answers....unless im missing something?

Atchoo 8

I wonder what the dean/principal/program director or other appropriate authority in the school would have to say about those testing methods......


FinJage 18

To help you? She practically made sure everyone would pass.

tsk14 9

Honesty is not always the best policy.

Ask...always ask! I had a professor who gave us an hour before the exam to do it with a group and then take the exact same exam for real. Always clarify first!

ulissey_fml 22

This culture of cheat is becoming so pervasive. Would you feel comfortable if your doctor had passed his/ her exam thanks to cheating...? In UK, it's not even teachers anymore, it's principals fiddling with their pupils 'marks (grades) to ensure the school ranks better. What next ? It is so unfair.

tattooedladie 1

It's not clear if this is college or high school but this is exactly why I homeschool my kids!

She could have at least mentioned that wasn't a mistake!

Satoaoi 13

oh lord. you know what it's ok studying goes a long way

If it was a one time deal, and the teacher has never given you the answers before, I say use the help. Everyone should get one freebie. One time is not going to affect the rest of your education. If this happens every test, then there's a problem. What I'd like know is, what your guys' take on open book tests are? Is that cheating? How is it any different?